Monday, January 10, 2011


©Darrell Wyatt

 And then shall my revelations which I have caused to be written by my servant John be unfolded in the eyes of all the people.  Remember, when ye see these things, ye shall know that the time is at hand that they shall be made manifest in very deed. (Ether 4:16)

I've done a lot of studying this weekend.  I had never read the whole book of Revelation before, just chapters and verses here and there, until this weekend.  The Savior told Moroni that the revelations that he gave to John would be "unfolded in the eyes of all the people".  I felt that I needed to familiarize myself with the revelations if I were to ever know that they were unfolding.  I can't say with any confidence at all that I now feel certain that I will recognize each of the signs of the Apocalypse, but I did learn quite a bit.  I also realize that I've got much more to learn, so I will keep studying.

All of this reading about the things that the Savior revealed to John and to Moroni and to others throughout the scriptures really made me think.  I truly believe that divine revelation is still very much present today.  Having a living prophet is a blessing and evidence of an open connection between God and His people.  However, the real blessing to each of us is that we are promised that we can receive personal revelation according to our faith.

But he that believeth these things which I have spoken, him will I visit with the manifestations of my Spirit, and he shall know and bear record...(Ether 4:11)

Personal revelation comes to me in different ways.  When I prayerfully ask my Father in Heaven, in Jesus' name, for help in raising my children or solving a problem, the revelation can come as a thought in my mind.  I also get promptings from the Spirit that help me to make the right choices.

A few days ago, I was frantically searching my desk drawers for an important piece of paper that I was sure I had just tossed in instead of filing it where it should be.  I haven't found that paper yet, but I did come across my patriarchal blessing.  I was flooded with emotions as I read this wonderful document that detailed revelation given to me directly from God through his servant, Don Marley.  It was just a few days after my seventeenth birthday that I received my blessing.  I remember driving to Brother Marley's house and waiting nervously for him to be ready to give me the blessing.  I was excited, but I also wondered what kinds of things the Lord had in store for me - what path my life would take if I were an obedient daughter of God.  I can still remember his warm hands on my head and power with which he spoke the words.  

Prior to this, it had been a few years since I read my patriarchal blessing, and it was amazing to me how much I had forgotten.  There are things that I was blessed with that have indeed come to fruition, like my temple marriage to a worthy holder of the priesthood and having children.  There are things that I have not yet seen happen, like increasing my education in my chosen field.  There are some things that don't so much reveal a part of my life, but instead direct me in how I should carry myself and commandments to do things like read my scriptures and fast and pray and magnify my callings - especially that of wife and mother.  

Sometimes I get stuck in such a rut, feeling like I do the same thing day after day after day, that I forget that being a wife and mother really is a divine calling.  Reading the words of the Lord - words meant just for me - has reminded me of that fact.  Marriage and motherhood are both callings that need magnified, even more than any of my other callings.  

How grateful I am today for revelation.  I'm grateful for the revelations that God commanded John to record, that we may have a way to see the signs of Jesus Christ's return.  I'm grateful for the revelation that our living prophet, Thomas S. Monson, receives on our behalf.  But most of all, today I am grateful for a loving Father in Heaven who reveals to me the things that He knows I am in need of.

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